Upcoming Events


State committee meetings

The state committee ordinarily meets the third Wednesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. The September meeting will be on the 18th. 

Join meeting here


Affiliate meetings

Affiliate meetings are open to voting members and as otherwise determined by the local affiliate (though guests and new members are generally always welcomed).



South Shore Libertarian Party

Meetings every month in person for members and guests at varied times and locations throughout Plymouth and Bristol counties.

The September meeting will be at the Cabby Shack in Plymouth on Monday, Sept. 16 at 7:00 p.m.

If you’re new, just look for the binder with the following image on it, come up and say hello:

Middlesex Libertarian Party

Our midsummer meetup was a success, held at Karma Concord on July 9th. 

The September meeting will be on the 7th at 11 Garden Rd. Natick, starting at 1 p.m. Backyard burgers and drinks!

The October meetup will be at Apex Entertainment on the 19th starting at 3 p.m.



Pioneer Valley Libertarian Party

In-person meetings to start again soon. Join the email list to participate in a survey about when to have our next meeting. Email comms@lpofma.org to get on the Pioneer Valley mailing list for updates. Or keep checking this page for times and locations.