Author: Thomas Eddlem

Trump’s wager

by Thomas R. Eddlem Defeating Trump handily in last night’s debate should have been a simple matter of making this effective verbal reply: But Joe Bribe’n was not the kind of person who could possibly have responded properly to Trump,

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On Wealth Inequality, the Left Has a Point

by Thomas R. Eddlem The federal government has been waging a war against the middle class and working poor since at least 1970. Wealth inequality has steadily increased since the early 1970s, and it’s not a coincidence. It’s a result

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The MIC Needs TikTok as Part of the Captive Media

by Thomas R. Eddlem My late friend William Norman Grigg used to joke that radio/Fox host Sean Hannity’s alt-shift-7 hotkey auto-response to someone slightly disagreeing with him on air was to blurt out: “Why do you hate America?”  DailyWire co-founder

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The new bipartisan attack on the First Amendment

By Thomas R. Eddlem The Republican primary debate last week put an exclamation point on how the attack on the First Amendment’s protections of freedom of speech and press is now broadly bi-partisan. Democrats have long pushed to ban anonymous

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Hamas and the perpetual anti-Semitism factory

by Thomas R. Eddlem The war between Israel and Palestine is clearly a war between good and pure evil. After all, the self-described “kill-team” of Hamas’ elite storm troopers, the Madinah-Ussah (Holy city god-warriors), were recently found having collected the

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Matt Gaetz’ one mistake

by Thomas R. Eddlem “I think that not passing single subject spending bills is chaos. I think the fact that we have been governed in this country since the mid-90s by continuing resolution and omnibus is chaos. And the way

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Millionaires No More

How Social Security is Impoverishing Our Seniors by Thomas R. Eddlem Imagine you win your state lottery for $1.1 million. You have the option of collecting the cash prize of $1,100,000 or taking $55,000 per year in twenty annual installments.

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RIP, Lou Marino

by Thomas R. Eddlem Libertarians will be sad to know that one of our party members who was briefly a Libertarian Party US Senate candidate, Lou Marino, passed away this week.  Only 48, he had been in poor health for

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We’re primed for a spark

In the final Monday pre-dawn moments of every city, you can see the work vans and work trucks turn noisily onto the highway on-ramp of the city’s suburbs and exurbs, ladders rattling over every bump. They’re city-bound, heading toward work

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